Busy Bees
Andrew and I worked like crazy to re-do our landscaping in the front of our house on Saturday. And, our next door neighbor Bill did his best to drive us crazy as he stalked us every time we stepped out of our house. Probably spent four to five hours with Bill on Saturday. Definitely glad to move onto our backyard on Sunday to avoid him.Anyways.
We used to have these sparse too-big bushes for our front flower bed. We hated them. They looked like they were dead during the winter and just collected so many leaves all year round. Barf.
We really wanted something a bit more appropriate for the space and that looked a little neater. So, we tore everything out...
As you can see, we also added some potted annuals and my favorite - four boston ferns. I love them. I will be so sad if they don't make it. I am paranoid everything we just planted will die.
And, there are lots of other pretty things blooming around our house. I have no idea what they are, but I love them. Mainly because I didn't have to do anything to them. :)
I don't have before pictures, but we added a ton of of colored pea gravel to our current rock area. Literally, one ton. We hauled it in Andrew's truck from the nursery and then had to unload. What a job, but things are looking much fresher, especially since we lined up the random limestone rocks in our flower beds around the house to separate the grass, err soon to be grass, and rock.
So, after three trips to Lowe's, one trip to Home Depot and one trip to Tree Top Nursery our house landscaping is in much better shape. Still have a long ways to go, but this was a big to-do we can cross off of the list. Now if we could only get our grass to grow...
Looks great Ali!!