
1.8.14 Ali Moore 0 Comments


We just got back from a whirlwind treck to Maryville, MO for my sister's college graduation.  Eek!  So, so excited for her and this accomplishment.  
And she is already working at her full-time job.  What a grown up!

We left yesterday right after an early lunch so we could get the kids to sleep for (fingers-crossed) half of the five hour drive 
since they typically sleep about 2 and a half hours at naptime here.

Poor Henry was so worked up about going to see my family that he just couldn't fall asleep.  
Nelle did...for about 30 minutes until Ham couldn't contain his excitement and started shrieking the shrillest shriek that ever was.  
Over and over again.

There were some not some great moments, and my kids are pooped after staying up suuuuper late (10:30pm!) last night and then taking very modified naps on the way home today, but gosh they really did pretty good considering we drove half the day, had to sit for dinner, had to sit for graduation that started at bedtime, and then drive half the day home again today with a stop at Grandpa and Grandma's farm for lunch.  

Henry kept Nelle pretty entertained with his commentary about everything he saw out the backseat of his window ("tractor!, dump truck!, up high?, COW!"), had dance parties with us, and completely destroyed my back seat with spilled goldfish EVERYWHERE, toys discarded, books scattered and maybe he spit some of his almonds out while laughing.

Ham caught on to the socially accepted times to clap last night at the graduation, and did. not. miss. a clap opportunity the rest of the night.  
He would literally drop whatever he was doing (coloring, reading, snacking) to stand up and clap with the biggest, proudest grin on his face.  
We survived our first night in a hotel with kids since Henry was Nelle's age.  And this time there were two!  Ahh!  Henry slept in his own queen-size bed all night until a bit before his normal wake-up time, slithered down to check on Nelle.  I'm pretty sure he poked her since she was still sleeping, but then came over to me and whispered with his little face as close to mine as possible, "Nelle awake."  Until I got out of bed to get her too.

I'm kind of surprised he could even sleep after we let him jump on the bed with his cousins, 
which he quickly turned into a game of tackle whoever is closest to me.  


After we got the kids to bed early tonight, Andrew sat down heavily and said, "we got a lot done in 24 hours,"
and we both just kind of sat there and let it sink in.

It's pretty amazing what we can do together.


The weekend's here!  The weekend's here!  Celebrate!