Same Thing, New Year

24.8.11 Ali Moore 0 Comments

I had high hopes for returning to the College Hill pool day after our flop of a trip with Franklin last year.  He has been swimming several times since then, is an entire year older (wiser?), and I thought for sure he was going to frolick in and out of the water like the happiest dog in Wichita.


Turns out, he did swim better.  In fact, he was all about getting into the deep end.  Even jumped into the water on his own.  Of course, he didn't want to again after he realized he couldn't get out on his own and almost drug both of us in on his first attempt to escape.

After a few laps, he decided he was really more interested in running around the pool. 

Kind of like the greeting committee.

Some things never change.

Best part of the experience?  Franklin lookalikes!  

Not one, but two white male labs attended this year.  The youngest kept getting confused and would run up to Frank like he was his brother and then speed on by when he spotted his real family.  I tried to take a picture of all three of them together, but it was madness with dogs running, jumping, swimming and tanning.

Except for one.

Oh well.  There's always next year.