Happy New Year

31.12.15 Ali Moore 1 Comments

At this point last year, we were still reveling in the surprise of expecting again so soon. We hadn't yet made our news public so I fake drank the same beer all night 
at the same New Year's Eve party we attend every year at the Winchells.  
(Side note, I always think I'm really, really good at this.  
Turns out, pretty much everyone was on to me.)
I had no idea what things would look like for us a year later, now five.  
That's the best part of life.  
It's always better than I could possibly dream. 

That twinkle in Henry's eye?  
It's brighter than I ever could have pictured. 
The way Nelle smiles with her entire face?  
It makes me happier than I could have known.
June's sweet voice?  
The best sound in the world.

Tonight, I'm going to cheers with a real drink, albeit probably at 8pm when we play a fake countdown from Netflix for the kids so we can all go home to put our little to bed at a decent time, maybe sneak in an episode of Narcos, and put ourselves to bed 
well before the clock strikes midnight.

To me, that's better.  Also, I like sleep.  A lot.
Andrew and I have been talking a lot this past week or so 
about what we want out of the next year.  
What 2016 looks like for our family, for our jobs, for our life.  
(Finding a new home, new personal challenges in my photography to foster growth, 
loving my kids in ways that really speak to them via their respective love languages, 
and making more me time to name a few.)  
And while I love thinking about and planning as best we can for the future, 
I know it won't be exactly like what we discuss.
Only better.
 Happy New Year.
2016 will be great.  And then even better than that.

All my gratitude to Bethany of Meysenburg Photography who always brings me to tears with her work.
Nelle's dress | My dress (old) | June's jumpsuit (old)

1 comment:

  1. How fun time you had with your family at the NYE. Reading your story was really interesting as this year I am also going through all this. I attended New Year holiday party with friends but didn’t reveal the surprise of expecting again. Anyway, we enjoyed a lot in this party!!
