Spring Has Sprung!

17.3.12 Ali Moore 0 Comments

What an amazing (albeit crazy busy) week.  

Quick trip to Kansas City for two shoots.
70s and sunny for mid-March.
(Belated) birthday dinner with the girls at Ziggy's on the patio.
Birth class.
Baby care class - where it seemed like everything they said conflicted what I have read thus far.
Edited pics.  Posted pics.  Need to edit more pics.  And more.  And more.  And more.
Cats win!
K-State watch party at our house on Saturday for lunch with Chick-Fil-A mini sandwiches.  Because we can.  Since it finally opened on Thursday just down the street.  YUM.  Big day for Wichita.
My mom comes today.
And Andrew's parents come on Sunday
For our first baby shower on Sunday!

One of these days, I will have enough time to relax for more than 30 minutes in the evening before bed.  And make the nursery room art.  And sleep in.  And cook dinner.  And deep clean our house.  And organize the basement.  And pull weeds outside.  

Until then...there is always time for this.
 Especially so he knows he is loved and spoiled and adored just as much as he always has been when Pat arrives.

Happy weekending!