Rest, Rest, Rest - Rest is Best

14.10.16 Ali Moore 0 Comments

Please join me in letting out a big 'ol collective sigh for a good 30 seconds. 
Maybe more. 
Because this week has been a doozie.

The highlight is I got strep throat and was pretty miserable from Monday afternoon through Thursday morning.  Like crazy sore throat, chills, aches, headaches and fever.  The doctor prescribed me a z-pack and gave me other tips to relieve my symptoms like Ibprofen for my throat, a liquid Tylenol great for relieving throat pain as well, and rest.  



My sweet cherub children have had some good moments this week, but to be completely honest, when I'm not on my a-game, they totally know it and some people like to test how much they can get away with.  Not naming any names, but it's the same child that happens to test everything I say or do from sun up to sun down because that is what this certain child finds fun...strong-willed to the extreme.

I had such good intentions for this week!  I took all three to the store on Monday afternoon so we could get groceries for the week and make soup that night after a dreary rainy morning.  One of my fave soups, except apparently no one else in my family likes it.  Like at all.  We told the kids they didn't have to eat it after they tried three bites.  And Nelle gagged on each spoonful.  Literallyyyyy was trying not to vomit as she painfully ate three bites.  The nerve!  And she didn't finish the rest, imagine that.

I know you're dying for the recipe now, but unfortunately(?) for you the link I had saved to my Pinterest isn't working anymore.

I had to reschedule a shoot I was sooo looking forward to, and instead of getting caught up on work this week I'm pretty much where I started on Monday.

And Nelle has screamed as much as she has breathed today.


I am feeling better.

And at some point, the laundry will get finished and put away, and my house won't be filthy forever (or will it....), and everyone's shoots will get edited.

Happy Friday all!  Here's to health and finding time this weekend to enjoy and rest.

And hoping no one else in my family gets strep.  But if someone were to, my money is on Ham since he asked to have one of my pieces of toast this morning after he polished off his own breakfast and asked for more food (current theme for every meal/snack lately), and I said yes, but only the one that I haven't taken any bites out of yet, and wouldn't you know he did the exact opposite.