We've Earned It

12.5.13 Ali Moore 0 Comments

I read earlier this year that Mother's Day is so important to mommies because it is the only holiday we earn.

By getting pooped on, peed on, thrown up on, snotted on, cried at, whined at.

It's the most humbling, bring you to your knees, wish-you-were-better experience...with patience, and loving, and crafting, and creativity, and blogging, and cooking, and cleaning, and being present, and fixing things, and being more spontaneous, and wifing (yes, that's a word I made up.)

Sounds really great, right?

 This experience that makes you doubt everything, yet provides the most clarity on what's important to you, your family, your faith, and your life?

It is.

It is, it is, it is...one thousand times over.

 Happy Mother's Day, mamas, especially to my own.