We're Cooking

11.11.10 Ali Moore 3 Comments

We've been eating well in Wichita.  I made this slow cooker Chicken Tortilla soup recipe on Monday and have bragged so much about it, I feel silly not sharing it now.

It's not a secret; in fact over 2000 people like it on allrecipes.com.  But, I make a couple of tweaks and those are (or were) a secret.  Nothing fancy, just making it my way after a couple of trys.

Get your printer ready and check it out here.

Then, grab a pen and mark out two cups of water and instead use one.  Then, add a can of black beans.  I threw everything into the Crockpot at lunch (one of the perks of working at home...) after I boiled and cut up my chicken breasts.  My house smelled a bit like a Mexican restaurant...in a good way.  Well worth the wait...plus I put two extra servings in the freezer for lunches this winter.  If I can wait that long.

And, this time I didn't make the tortilla strips.  Instead, I served our soup with homemade corn bread.  And that doesn't mean out of a box, folks.  Measuring spoons, Crisco and corn meal were all involved.  YUM.

Hope you're hungry now.  If you try the soup - let me know what you think!  Highly recommend it.

And, now, just a couple of shots from Monday night.  I had to make up one night of my photography class I took a while ago since I was traveling for work the evening they learned about night photography.  This guy, Keeper of the Plains, is lit by fire every night.  Here he is waiting for his flames.

And, the flames reflecting on the water.  Nice.

Is it Friday yet?

P.S. I think I adjusted my settings so now anyone can post a comment, even if you don't have a Blogger account.  Can someone who usually can't comment try?  Pretty please?