32 Weeks

12.6.15 Ali Moore 0 Comments

I feel like I should say it 10 times over.

Thank goodness it's Friday.

I fell into bed on Wednesday night, my hips and feet completely throbbing, 
keeping me up longer past the normal 10-11pm wiggle/roll/kick party that goes on in my stomach every night from sweet #3.
Funny how the body doesn't always agree with the mind.  
What I may have been able to do prior to having kids, or even while pregnant with Henry and Nelle, certainly seems harder this third time around. 

It was just a brewing storm of a busy shoot weekend, a busy week of activities for the kids, volunteering, weeknight meetings, combined with an unexpected pregnancy growth spurt where I'm crazy hungry, devastatingly tired, and ended up with another ocular migraine during a shoot.

Not the best timing when it leaves you temporarily without peripheral vision when looking through the camera viewfinder with one eye. 

Achy body, I hear you!  
My toddlers don't though so if you could give me a break for 8-ish more weeks so I can continue being their human jungle gym, I'd be grateful.  
Yes...I'm 32 weeks tomorrow.
I may have started hyperventilating a little before falling asleep last night thinking about how there seems to be just SO much to do before this little one's arrival and how right now that's what occupies my thoughts instead of sweet newborn smell and meeting the newest member of our family.  

I know it doesn't really matter that we haven't even touched the nursery yet.  Mainly because the nursery is actually Henry's room, and in order to set it up for a wee one, he's got to get booted to Nelle's room that they will soon share.  It doesn't matter because the baby will survive on diapers, boobs, and swaddles for the first several weeks of its life.

But it does matter to me. 
Because the more settled our space is, the more settled I am.  
And in my head, the more settled I am, the longer I can keep this babe in place.
Achy body or not.

Looking forward to a weekend where I'm promising myself to make some time for myself.  
And hoping that includes a little sliver of sunshine despite the rainclouds on my phone forecast.

Happy weekend to you!

PS...ask Andrew how much he loves my new chair.