on this day of love...

14.2.13 Ali Moore 4 Comments

Andrew and I ate cereal for dinner.

We didn't have a hot date planned.

We didn't buy presents.

But I still got a pretty special gift.

And he got better and better throughout the evening.

Too bad my focus in this last video is TERRIBLE!

Can't wait to see where he takes us tomorrow.

Happy Valentine's Day.


  1. SO special! Way to go, Henry! Love those rosy cheeks too!

  2. Yay!!!!! Way to go, HAM! I watched each one at least three times. So fun to see. Also - I am going to need to check out this new furniture arrangement. :)

  3. Love the second one, he's so focused!

  4. Ok so I FINALLY got to watch these videos because I'm on my computer versus my phone that I'm usually reading these on. LOVE this so much. Good job Henry! Looks like he's loving it!! Time to baby proof the house!!! Happy V-day!
